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Golden coast是一个什么样的城市?
一派护法 十九级
1楼 发表于:2014-11-3 13:18
初级工程师 九级
2楼 发表于:2014-11-8 16:46
叫Gold Coast,中文「黃金海岸」,在Brisbane旁邊。環境不錯,人比Brisbane好些,靠近海。


一派护法 十九级
3楼 发表于:2014-11-8 17:34
I just want to travel there
一派护法 十九级
4楼 发表于:2014-11-8 17:35
Have you ever been there?
初级架构工程师 十五级
5楼 发表于:2014-11-8 18:44



初级架构工程师 十五级
6楼 发表于:2014-11-8 18:45
黃金海岸(英語:Gold Coast),是澳洲昆士蘭省的太平洋沿岸城市,人口52.7萬(2007年),北與府城布里斯本相鄰,南與新南威爾斯省堤維德岬(Tweed Heads)接壤。座落於本市的邦德大學為昆士蘭省唯一的私立大學;且有一設於黃金海岸的分校為公立格里菲斯大學之最大校區。

對於澳洲國內外的人而言,黃金海岸永遠充滿了想像,不僅新移民和觀光客喜愛黃金海岸的濱海風光和山林景觀,甚至富有的退休者、投資客和商界人士也認為黃金海岸奔放的色彩十足迷人。本市如今是澳洲第六大城和國際著名的觀光都市;文化創意產業、漁業、都市規劃、資訊建設、賽車、水上運動和生物科技方面在全球引領風騷。其市中心的Q1大廈(Q1 Building)是目前世界上最高的純住宅大廈(2008年),高達322.5公尺(1,058英尺)。

初级架构工程师 十五级
7楼 发表于:2014-11-8 18:46
The Gold Coast is a coastal city in southeastern Queensland on the east coast of Australia. The city is 94 kilometres (58 mi) south of the state capital Brisbane. It is the second most populous city in the state, the sixth most populous city in the country, and the most populous non-capital city in Australia. The Gold Coast has the largest cross-state metropolitan area population in Australia, due to the inclusion of Tweed Heads, New South Wales in its metropolitan area. The Gold Coast's metropolitan area converges with that of Greater Brisbane, forming part of an urban conurbation of over 3 million people.
While the origin of the city's name is debatable, the name "Gold Coast" was bestowed upon the city by real estate investors. The first settlement in what is now South East Queensland was as a penal colony at Redcliffe. The Gold Coast region remained largely uninhabited by Europeans until 1823 when explorer John Oxley landed at Mermaid Beach. The hinterland's red cedar supply attracted people to the area in the mid-19th century. Later in 1875,Southport was surveyed and established and grew a reputation as a secluded holiday destination for upper class Brisbane residents.
The Gold Coast region grew significantly after the establishment of the Surfers Paradise hotel in the late 1920s. The area boomed in the 1980s as a leading tourist destination and in 1994, the Gold Coast City local government area was expanded to encompass the majority of the Gold Coast's metropolitan area, becoming the second most populous local government area in Australia after the City of Brisbane. The Gold Coast is today a majortourist destination with its sunny subtropical climate, surfing beaches, canal and waterway systems, its high-rise dominated skyline, theme parks,nightlife, and rainforest hinterland, making tourism one of its most significant industries. Gold Coast will host the 2018 Commonwealth Games.
初级架构工程师 十五级
8楼 发表于:2014-11-8 18:46
一派护法 十九级
9楼 发表于:2014-11-8 21:52


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