231樓 Trisolaris 2015-1-18 16:44
232樓 Trisolaris 2015-1-21 11:40
233樓 Trisolaris 2015-1-21 11:41
234樓 Trisolaris 2015-1-21 11:41
235樓 Trisolaris 2015-1-22 22:17
236樓 Trisolaris 2015-1-22 22:21
237樓 Trisolaris 2015-1-22 22:21
Surrounded by a group of young bodyguards, the commander in chief of the Earth-Trisolaris rebels, Ye Wenjie, walked steadily into the crowd. Ye stood in the middle of the space the crowd cleared for her, raised a bony fist, and—with a resolve and strength that Wang could not believe she possessed—said, “Eliminate human tyranny!” The crowd responded in a way that had clearly been rehearsed countless times: “The world belongs to Trisolaris!”
238樓 Trisolaris 2015-1-22 22:21
Surrounded by a group of young bodyguards, the commander in chief of the Earth-Trisolaris rebels, Ye Wenjie, walked steadily into the crowd. Ye stood in the middle of the space the crowd cleared for her, raised a bony fist, and—with a resolve and strength that Wang could not believe she possessed—said, “Eliminate human tyranny!” The crowd responded in a way that had clearly been rehearsed countless times: “The world belongs to Trisolaris!”


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