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I think I can simply pronounce the letter "r" in any Spanish word as '
一派護法 十九級
1樓 發表于:2014-8-9 12:43
For example, 'enfermo' is to be pronounced as 'enfedmo' for me.
一派護法 十九級
2樓 發表于:2014-8-9 12:44
The letter 'r' in Spanish words sound very much like the English letter 'd'.
一派護法 十九級
3樓 發表于:2014-8-9 12:44
But the real 'r' sound is really difficult to make.
一派護法 十九級
4樓 發表于:2014-8-9 12:46
Since r is difficult to make, I can just simply pronounce it as 'd'.
一派護法 十九級
5樓 發表于:2014-8-9 12:47

The title of this post is incomplete. It's "I think I can simply pronounce the letter "r" in any Spanish word as 'd' ".
初級架構工程師 十五級
6樓 發表于:2014-8-10 08:10
The letter "r" in Spanish words pronounces greatly differently from "d".
初級架構工程師 十五級
7樓 發表于:2014-8-10 08:11
Therefore, native Spanish speakers will probably misunderstand you if you pronounce "r" as [d].


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最後回復時間:2014-8-10 08:11
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