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一派護法 十九級
1樓 發表于:2024-6-7 21:15
Supported OS Table
    The column OS is the list of different MS Windows generations.
    The column last version can be run is for the status of the latest release to be run under the OS. If the current (latest) version can be run under the specific OS, then the current version will be indicated instead of version number.
    The column supported contains the status of Notepad++ team supporting Notepad++ under the specific OS. It means if a bug is present under an OS no more supported but not under supported OS, then this issue won't be treated by the team.
OS  last version can be run  supported
Windows 95  v3.9  No
Windows 98  v6.0  No
Windows ME  v6.0  No
Windows NT 4.0  v4.7.3  No
Windows 2000  v6.6.9  No
Windows XP  v7.9.2  No
Windows Server 2003  v7.9.2  No
Windows Vista  v8.4.6 *  No
Windows Server 2008  v8.4.6 *  No
Windows 7  current version  No
Windows 8  current version  No
Windows 8.1  current version  Yes
Windows 10  current version  Yes
Windows 11  current version  Yes
* The current version of Notepad++ built by GCC can be run under Vista & Server 2008
Note that the list is meant for the last SP of each version
一派護法 十九級
2樓 發表于:2024-6-7 21:15
一派護法 十九級
3樓 發表于:2024-6-7 21:51


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